Once you have completed the required 60-hour pre-licensing course and passed the final exam, you will receive an electronic copy of your Course Completion Certificate, and your information will be submitted to PSI (the testing vendor for the State of Virginia). You may then register and schedule your Virginia Real Estate Salesperson Licensing exam by going to https://test-takers.psiexams.com/vare or by calling 1 (855) 340-3910.
You can take the Virginia real estate exam as many times as you need to pass it. If you pass one section, you only retake the failed section.
Your completed license application must be submitted within one year from the initial examination date when you ORIGINALLY took the examination. You’ll have to retake the entire exam if you do not pass both sections within that year.
Questions regarding the license application should be directed to the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation at [email protected] or (804) 367-8526.
About the Exam
Exam Day
On the day of the examination you should arrive 30 minutes before your appointment. This extra time is for sign-in, identification, and familiarizing yourself with the examination process.
All required identification below must match the first and last name under which the candidate is registered. Candidates are required to bring two (2) forms of valid (non-expired) signature bearing identification to the test site. Candidates must register for the exam with their LEGAL first and last name as it appears on their government issued identification.
One of the identifications presented must be a Government issued identification with photograph and signature. Photocopies of identification will NOT be accepted. Candidates may present two forms of ID: One Primary and One Secondary.
•PRIMARY IDENTIFICATION Choose One: State issued drivers license, State issued identification card, US Government Issued Passport, US Government Issued Military Identification Card, or US Government Issues Alien Registration Card.
•SECONDARY IDENTIFICATION Choose One: Credit Card (must be signed), Social Security Card, or US issued Birth Certificate with Raised Seal. *NOTE: Student ID and employment ID are NOT acceptable forms of identification.
If the candidate fails to bring proper identification or the candidate names do not match, the candidates will not be allowed to test and their examination fee will not be refunded.
There are two portions to the exam:
- National – 105 minutes
- State – 45 minutes
Number of Questions on Salesperson’s License Exams
- National – 80 questions, 56 correct required to pass (70%)
- State – 40 questions, 30 correct required to pass (75%)
Notification of Results Process
Your score will appear immediately on the computer screen. If you pass, you will immediately receive a successful notification and performance summary on the screen.
Retake provisions
If you do not pass, you will immediately receive an unsuccessful notification on the screen along with a diagnostic report indicating your strengths and weaknesses by examination type. An official score report will be printed at the examination site. If you pass one portion and not the other, you will only need to retest for the one portion.
Good to Know
To greatly improve call center response time, candidates now have a dedicated number to call.
PSI Exam Center:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 10:00 pm Eastern Time
Saturday – Sunday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Eastern Time
Special Accommodations
All examination centers are equipped to provide access in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. PSI Special Accommodation Request Form
For out-of-state testing requests, please email: [email protected]. Include your name, SSN, email address and desired testing center.
Fingerprinting Information
All real estate students must obtain fingerprints for the criminal background check after passing the PSI exam. The process will include all 10 fingers (not 1 as sometimes is required for admission for the test). Fingerprints must be taken within 45 days or less from the date that you apply for your license. For this reason, we recommend waiting until you have passed the PSI exam.
You will be electronically fingerprinted at one of PSI Virginia sites, during regular testing hours. Fingerprinting is offered on a walk-in first come/first serve basis. There is a $50 fee which includes the State processing fee of $25.00, and the PSI processing fee of $25. This process may take 4 to 6 weeks. Questions regarding the license application should be directed to the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation at [email protected] or (804) 367-8526.
DPOR is now offering another fingerprint services option for Real Estate Board and Real Estate Appraiser Board license applicants through a contract with an additional vendor: Fieldprint. Fieldprint offers sites throughout Virginia where license applicants can go to have their fingerprints taken via Livescan. MORE INFO